Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Persian Wars: Told by a Persian

It is the around 546 B.C.. The Persians have just gained control of the Lydians, and are deciding what to do to rule them. 
Persian #1: I think that we should set up a democracy. The best way to rule these people is fairly and justly. if we do so, they will listen to us and respect us.
Persian #2: That's preposterous! The only way to deal with these people is to force their respect upon us. If we simply set up a democracy, they will never listen. We must give a leader to govern them, and the leader will have total power upon them. Then, they will be forced to listen.
Persian #1: If we follow that, the people are sure to rebel! Why would we set ourselves up for disaster like that?
Persian #3: I disagree. The Lydians will be forced to listen if we exert force against them.
Persian #1: That is ridiculous! Doing so will only make the Lydians angry! Eventually, they will rebel, and with enough power could defeat us!
Persian #3: The only way to settle this is a vote. All in favor of a Persian democracy, say Aye.
Persian #2: And all in favor of my idea of single rulers to govern the people, say AYE!
Many Persians: AYE!!!
Persian #3: It is settled then. we will appoint rulers to fully govern the Lydians.
The Persians cheer, while Persian #2 scowls in response to the vote. 
Persian #4: What shall we do about the army? Should we make the Lydians serve in our army?
Persian #5: yes!
Persian #6 No!
Persian #7: Of Course!
All voices begin at once, arguing about what to do with the Lydians. Finally, it is decided that Lydians will be forced to serve in the army and pay high taxes to the Persians. 
It is about 456 B.C. The Persians have narrowly avoided losing control to the Athenians, had the Athenians not lost interest in gaining control. The Persians are angry at Athens, and believe they sould be punished. 
Persian #8: Those Athenians! What nerve, attacking but then abandoning us Persians!
Persian #9: I Agree! They deserve punishment for their actions!
Persian #10: What should we do to punish them then? It is obvious that they are very skilled fighters.
Persian #8: We will launch a great expedition against the Athenians! They will finally get what they deserve!
Persian #9: Great! Let us go tell the others.
The Persians launch an expedition against the Athenians, and the two meet at Marathon for what the Athenians will later call their greatest achievement. Had the Athenians lost, the Persians would have gained control, changing history. 

Web Citations:
1. Ancient Greece: The Persian Wars." Washington State University - Pullman, Washington. Web. 18 Feb. 2010. .
2. Image:

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