What’s so wrong with Social Orders?
Ever since the beginning of the time, people have been controlling other people. They want to control what other people say, do, etc. They want to make people do what they think is “normal”. However, many people have many different definitions for “normal”. This causes conflict; because everyone wants to be what they think is “normal”. Social orders are just a way of people controlling others and making them “normal”. In a way, social orders can be considered bad, because they are changing people from what they actually want to be.
Ever since the beginning of the time, people have been controlling other people. They want to control what other people say, do, etc. They want to make people do what they think is “normal”. However, many people have many different definitions for “normal”. This causes conflict; because everyone wants to be what they think is “normal”. Social orders are just a way of people controlling others and making them “normal”. In a way, social orders can be considered bad, because they are changing people from what they actually want to be.
Even in the Middle Ages, social orders were of large importance. Serfs, knights, and lords were all different groups of people, who lived very different lives. Serfs were the lowest on the chain. They had to live without many personal liberties, never being allowed to leave, marry, or even get rid of their own property without the permission of their lord. The lords wanted to control everything that the serfs did.( http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/535485/serfdom) So, what was so wrong with this? The lords were controlling the serfs in such a way that all of the serfs’ liberties were taken away. So, the idea of the social orders was not really that bad, but the way that the lords carried out the social orders, was poor.
Social orders are never really a good idea, because they require one person or group of people to be the ones controlling, or the ones in charge. Different people think different things, and so trying to control everyone is never a good idea. A good example is when the lords tried to constantly control their serfs with social orders. Serfs had little to no freedom, so the only way they could think to react was to try to escape the lives that their lords had created for them. This usually did not end well for the serf. Many times when this occurred, the serf suffered a brutal punishment from trying to escape, because the lords thought of their serfs as property, such as their animals, or even their objects.( http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/535485/serfdom) In this case, social orders were used to create an injustice between one group of people and another. The way serfs were treated was very unfair.
Overall, having social orders is not a good idea. Trying to control people is a hard thing to do, and it will always result in disarray. However, social orders will always be present, because people will always want to be in control of other people.
Web Citations:
1. "Serfdom -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 04 May 2010. .
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