Sunday, January 31, 2010

Change: Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

I think that change is both a good thing and a bad thing. Change not only can have a positive impact on people and the environment, but it can also have a negative effect on people and the environment.
Change can be a very good thing, because it helps people and countries develop. People all started out in the same way: as nomadic herders who followed their meals anywhere and everywhere. This was not the best lifestyle, nor the most fruitful. People did not have time to concentrate on technology, medical advancements, or any other form of improvements on their society. However, as people started domesticating crops and animals, changes took place in the lifestyles of these nomads. Soon, people started to settle down and form civilizations. This change was a very good thing, because as people settled down, they could concentrate on new technology and advancements. They could concentrate on making work easier and more efficient, and they could also concentrate on staying healthier and living longer.
Changing in types of society that people lived in was a major improvement, and this change led to many other changes for the better. Before long, small communities were developing into large societies, and eventually into cities. With many more people living in the same place, talents were introduced. The best hunter was established, as well as the best farmer, the best cook, etc. People who were not so great at these types of things could ask the best farmer for help, or the best hunter for some meat. Eventually, this led to the question: “What can I get from this?” Suddenly, the best hunter would not just go out and give meat to anyone who asked for it. The best farmer would not give good crops to anyone who requested them. Working hard only to give their work away? No, that would not satisfy people. No one wanted to help out of only kindness.
This question and problem introduced the barter system. Now, the best farmer could go to the best hunter and say “I will trade you some of my crop if you will go out and catch me some meat.” Then, both sides would be benefiting, instead of just one. People were happy with this system, but things would become much more organized in the bartering system later.
Bartering with many different variables works, to an extent. What happens when people start to question the value of objects they are bartering? For example, does one bushel of corn equal on buffalo? Or is it two or more bushels of corn? How many bushels of corn are equal to one cow? How many cows are equal to one buffalo? Does it take a cow and a bushel of corn to equal one buffalo? What about a bushel of corn and a buffalo for one cow? As you can see, with all of these questions, the bartering system gets very complex. It is functional, but how can one figure out the value of all objects? People might feel that some barters are unfair, and conflict may break out.
When a government is established, these problems can be solved. The people can elect a government, and the government can make a decision on whether barters are fair or not, and also other things. For instance, say John was a farmer. John lived next to Joe, who also was a farmer. One day, a tree from Joe’s yard falls onto John’s house, leaving damage. Who pays to have it fixed? Does John, the owner of the house pay for it? Or does Joe, whose tree damaged John’s house, pay for the damage to be fixed? A government can solve these problems too. Governments can make laws to solve problems such as the one John and Joe are faced with. With a government and laws there to solve the problems, John and Joe will not be forced to argue endlessly about who should pay for the damages done to John’s house.
Change can also be a bad thing. Change can solve many problems that people were previously faced with, but it also brings up entirely new problems that need to be dealt with. Change can make people very greedy. When people may have shared their things in the beginning, they may no longer want to share their crops or meat with the rest of the people. Change in technology can be very effective and entertaining, but while some are effective, some cause unintended harm to people. For example, where children before may have played outside for fun, now many children would rather stay inside and watch television or play video games. This is not helpful to children’s health, because where they were once getting exercise, children are now getting none.
Another factor of change as a bad thing is what change can do to the environment. In earlier civilizations, people used less chemicals and toxins in their everyday lives. Today, people use toxins in their everyday lives. From driving to school to using hair spray, toxins are much more frequent in this day and age.
Many animal and plant species have suffered from the extreme- extinction. The Dodo bird, the saber-toothed tiger, and the wooly mammoth are all animals that have suffered from the extreme consequences of human carelessness as a result of change. Many animals have come close to extinction or are presently endangered, as well. (  The buffalo came close to extinction when people in the United States moved west and were careless. The cheetah and black rhinoceros of Africa are presently endangered. These animals are endanger of becoming extinct, and if they do, people of the future will never be able to see them alive, just as we are only able to see pictures and drawings of the dodo bird, saber-toothed tiger, and wooly mammoth.
Change can be a very beneficial thing, but as things change, things become more complicated. If all change were a good thing, life might be boring, and if all change were a bad thing, then life would not come about well. Change is about finding a balance between the good and the bad, and taking the bad with the good. Change is something that will always be different, and always, well, change.
Works Cited:
1. "10 Most Amazing Extinct Animals -" - A Blog on Oddities: the odd, bizarre and strange things of our world! Web. 05 Feb. 2010. .
2. (image)

1 comment:

  1. Your writing is solid and your examples are good, but your essay suffers from lack of sources and documentation; nothing is backing up your argument except anecdote and opinion. You need to use sources and cite them in the appropriate MLA format.

