Monday, January 25, 2010

The Significance of the Rise of Agriculture

The rise of agriculture is significant because as agriculture became more advanced, people were able to settle down and focus on technology. When people were busy spending all their time searching for food, they were unable to focus on any technology or new advancements in society. Spending all their time working on finding food forced them to move around constantly and they were unable to focus on ways to stay healthy, or make work easier. When agriculture was introduced, people were able to stay in one place for longer periods of time. They were able to focus on domesticating animals and plants, and also creating entertainment. When all their time was no longer focused on finding food, they had to create things to keep themselves busy. They created games, and other forms of entertainment. They also created ways to make work easier. As the centuries went on, the technology got more and more advanced. moire animals were domesticated, and more ways were created to make work more efficient.Agriculture as a whole helped create civilizations.

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